Gretchen, an academic from Melbourne, Australia, originally from California, first discovered SKJ through her favorite designer, Erica Tanov, who sold Satomi’s jewelry in San Francisco. Since then, she’s enjoyed the freedom of choosing her own pieces, rather than wearing inherited pieces. What makes it fun for her is mixing and matching the colors and shapes to create her own "finger candy" — sweet, playful, and always leaving her wanting more.
How did you discover the brand?
I first came across SKJ through one of my favorite designers, Erica Tanov, in San Francisco, who carried a few pieces. I soon found the SKJ website and haven’t looked back since.
Which products have you purchased?
Mostly stackable rings in a variety of colors. I have a few pairs of earrings as well but mostly have wanted to build my finger candy:)
What makes you return to SKJ?
I’m always excited to add new gems and styles to my existing collection, layering on to what I already love.
What do you think sets SKJ apart from other brands?
For me, it's the unique styles and stones. I get so many compliments on my stacks, even from New Yorkers who haven’t yet heard of SKJ. I love telling them the showroom is right in their backyard.
Are there any specific products or services that you find unique?
The hexagon settings are a favorite—not only are they beautiful, but they also feel more secure than many other settings.
How does the brand make you feel?
A bit funky , yet elegant at the same time. The way I wear them, and I imagine many others, is different from a solitaire with ring guards. What makes them funky for me is how I mix and match the colors and shapes. I like to think of them as finger candy - sweet, and I always want more.
What emotions or memories do you associate with SKJ?
SKJ pieces remind me of my family, especially moments in New York. Choosing my own jewelry with SKJ felt special, as most of my previous pieces were inherited.
How would you describe your relationship with SKJ in a few words?
Fun! SKJ sets itself apart from other brands because of the ability to build a collection that is interchangeable. Wearing jewelry has always been fun for me, from wearing my grandmother’s solitaire ruby, to picking out my engagement band, to discovering SKJ. These memories coalesce around time with family, being loved and loving, looking at my fingers and smiling.