Momo, a designer & co-founder of Black Crane, a minimalist fashion brand in Los Angeles, shares how a chance but inevitable encounter in 2011 at a joint exhibition in New York became a lifelong friendship with Satomi. Drawn by the unique warmth and originality of Satomi’s designs, Momo found herself hooked by SKJ's organic, sculptural pieces. Her first purchase was a beautiful hexagon diamond ring that marked the beginning of her journey with SKJ.
ロサンゼルスのミニマリストファッションブランド、Black Crane(ブラッククレーン)のデザイナー兼共同創設者であるももさんは、2011年にニューヨークで行われた合同展示会での偶然でも必然的とも言える出会いが、さとみとの生涯の友情につながったことを語ります。さとみのデザインの持つ独特の温かさと独創性に惹かれ、ももさんはSKJの有機的で彫刻的なジュエリーに魅了されました。彼女の最初の購入は、美しい六角形のダイヤモンドリングで、それがSKJとの旅の始まりとなりました。
「当時、重ね付けするリングを作っている人は誰もいなくて、本当に驚きました。デザイナーであると同時に、ダイヤモンドセッターとしての職人面が石と無限に遊べる彼女の強みです。」- もも
How did you and Satomi meet?
We met at a joint exhibition in New York in 2011. Both of us were vendors, and while wandering around the venue, I remember vividly being drawn to a jewelry brand booth that stood out among more than 100 other booths, as if I was naturally pulled towards it. That’s how I met Satomi Kawakita. It felt like a miraculous encounter, yet also inevitable. We both started our brands around the same time, and as we discussed the growth of our brands, we became important to each other, watching over one another.
会場をフラフラ歩いていた時に100以上あるブースの中から異色を放っていたジュエリーブランドのブースに目が止まり、自然と吸い込まれる様に入った事は今でも鮮明に覚えています。それが私とSatomi Kawakita、里美さんとの出会いです。奇跡的な計らいとも言えますが、必然的な出会いでもあった気がします。里美さんとは同時期にブランドを立ち上げたので、ブランド成長過程で様々な話をしたり、共に互いを見守っていた様な大切な存在です。
What was your first impression of Satomi/SKJ?
At the time, no one else was making stacking rings, and it was groundbreaking. Until I encountered her work, I had no particular interest in wedding rings or jewelry. But the moment I saw her one-of-a-kind, organic, warm, and sculptural stacking rings, I left my booth unattended and spent every day at her booth trying on rings. She quietly watched me, so composed. Despite not knowing me (I wasn’t a buyer or anything), she let me freely touch her precious creations, demonstrating her open and generous spirit.
当時、スタッキングスタイルの指輪は誰も作っていなく、衝撃的でした。彼女の作品に出逢うまで、結婚指輪も拘りなくジュエリーを身に付ける事は殆どなかったのですが、彼女のオーガニックで、あたたかく、彫刻的な要素を感じれる唯一無二のスタッキングリングを見た途端、自分のブースをほったらかして、毎日彼女のブースに入り浸り指輪をトライしていました。それを面白そうに黙って眺めていた彼女があまりに冷静で 笑。
What was the initial reason you decided to support her brand?
Rather than “support,” it was more of a natural act—being drawn to her personality and worldview, wanting to talk to her, meet her, and wear her creations simply because I liked her.
What do you think are the core values represented by the brand?
Her craftsmanship exudes warmth, with a refined worldview encapsulated in a world smaller than a coin. Her originality is unmatched. As a designer and diamond setter, her strength lies in her ability to endlessly play with stones.
How would you describe her brand to others?
“You'll find something that you will cherish for a lifetime.”
What was the first product you purchased?
A hexagon diamond ring.
What’s your favorite product you’ve purchased so far? Why?
I love them all. Depending on my mood, I choose different pieces, so my favorite changes daily. However, as I age, I tend to stack fewer rings, opting for ones with more volume instead of delicate lines.
Which aspects of her brand resonate with your personal values?
The ability to maintain an unconfined, unique worldview.
Tell us about the highs and lows of your journey with the brand.
When I was happy, I would look at the subtly sparkling stones on my finger, and it would lift my spirits. When I was sad, I would stroke the stones, and it would calm me.
How would you describe your relationship with SKJ in one word?
A stabilizer for my heart, nestled on my finger.
Finally, any message for SKJ or Satomi?
I am truly grateful for our encounter. Diamonds are forever, and so is our friendship. Please continue creating works that warm people's hearts, just as you have always done.